Thursday, December 4, 2008
Another poem I found, titleless and without a date
surrounds itself with voices.
The summer closes, the darkness quickens.
Crickets, hidden in the night,
play their music.
The constant sound softens my thoughts,
breathing slows,
my heart is calm.
The altar, prepared for a king.
Candle scent lingers,
lights flicker.
Prepare yourself.
Enter within the mystery
the deep love of the divine.
The depths of the ocean and
the limitless night sky
cannot compare
to the love that is here.
(ps: this is one of my own poems that I found in my journal. I was written sometime in the fall of '08)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A Tug on the Heart
and the gaze of your eyes never faulter.
Your gentle touch, a soft summer breeze,
the whisper of your love a soothing melody.
In the secret of your heart I can be found.
You give yourself wholly,
asking me to do the same.
I seek rest in your spirit,
a peace that quenches my thirsting soul.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Not understanding...
Friday, November 7, 2008
5 Love Languages
My second highest ranked was physical touch. I think this is more true in significant relationships than just friendships. Sometimes people (girls) can be too "touchy-feely" and that gets annoying. But in relationships with guys, physical touch can be a huge thing, whether it is just a simple hug or arms touching. But guys, be careful! I think this is true about most women, we will look too far into physical touch and think it means something when you may not have thought that at all! I mean, seriously, how many times have we, as women, gotten excited over a simple (and maybe even accidental) action of arms touching while sitting near a guy?
These certainly are interesting to know about, especially in the context of a significant relationship, I think they are very important to know. The other love languages (besides quality time and physical touch) are: words of affirmation, receiving gifts, and acts of service.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What's Wrong with our Country?
Monday, September 29, 2008
God is so Good
I met this one girl about a year and a half ago when I was a junior at Saint Mary's. The following year she did NET, so I haven't had much contact with her. We're friends on facebook and through another friend commenting on a note she had written, I went to read it myself. It was this beautiful story on how she went through the consecration to Mary when she was 18 and decided she wanted to do it again. Things weren't working out for her when she wanted to re-consecrate herself to Jesus through Mary. Finally the time was right and it seemed like everything fell into place for an incredible day and Mary showed her, in many ways, that she was there for her. Simply stunning.
So then I was reading Divine Mercy in My Soul, the Diary by St. Faustina. I was also thinking about how we never know God's plans, but He always has the most wonderful plans for us. It is so hard when things don't go our way. We simply have to trust and Jesus will lead us to a glorious life full of wonderful surprises, and of course, his love. Anyway, one of the paragraphs I read tonight was about the vision St. Faustina had. The vision of Divine Mercy, with Jesus raising one arm in a blessing and the other touching his heart, with two rays coming out, one red and the other white (or blue). Jesus instructed St. Faustina to paint that image and underneath it, at the bottom, was to say "Jesus, I trust in You." Whoa! Wasn't I just thinking about trust? And all of a sudden I was reading this!?! I couldn't believe it! God is so incredibly good!

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Cute Church Lady
Fort Worth has been great. I love my parish and the parish staff and I love the flexibility of working for the Church! I have tomorrow off and I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet, but I think I'm going to hit up Mass at the Cathedral, then some shopping? One of my roommates and I are going to the Symphony tomorrow night with the young adult group from the area. I think that will be a lot of fun. I'm exhausted now and should probably get to bed!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Poem Time
I wrote this poem last summer, I think. Today I typed up all my poems into a Word document and it's 13 pages long, so that is pretty cool. I thought I'd share one of my poems now.
Summer Beginnings
The beginnings of summer sweep over the night
The warm still air seeps in through the open window
And the sleeves of a sweatshirt cover her sun-kissed arms.
Passively time ticks on
Being at home brings back memories:
Photographs of a childhood now gone
Journal entries of carefree high school days
Mental images of time spent with a boy
Who she thought was ‘the one.’
Many months are ahead, summer is only beginning
She gently lays her head on her pillow
For tomorrow is a new day
The rain has emptied itself and passed
The sun shall bring with it the morning.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
How does that happen at grad school?
I am home now, back in the great state of Wisconsin, but only for one week as of today. I have to pack up my life soon and figure out what I'm taking down to Texas. I don't even know where to begin with what to take because I will be there for two years, so I guess it is a matter of deciding what are the most important things. I, I have to pack up and move down to Texas for two years! It seems like I should just be packing up for college again, but I won't really be home, and even when I come home I'll be flying in. Well, here I am, starting this new chapter in my life. Chapter 46: Conquering the Texas heat (and catechizing my way through life).
In the meantime, here at home, I hope to do a lot of reading. Right now I am reading The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. I read it once for a class, but I think that was 3 or 4 years ago. We talked about it in one of my classes this summer and other Echo people were saying how great it was, so that inspired me to pick it up again. It definitely is interesting, even finding the parallels between the imagery in this book and Heaven and Hell and looking at it on a deeper level. Sometimes I don't like reading books for class because I feel like I read the material to simply read it, I can't dive into it because there isn't enough time! I guess that is what the rest of life is for! I have several books I'd like to read, books I was supposed to read for class, but perhaps didn't quite do so. We'll see what all I can finish in one week at home. The Confessions is also on my list. Well, time to clean out my Echo binder then put the ice back on!
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Not really a Post
Friday, May 16, 2008
Revelation of the Day
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My Heart is Ready
Another think I thought about during the psalm was going to Texas. My heart is ready, God! Ok, maybe not... I just took a second to think about how I'll be leaving all I know to go to a state I've never been to before and to completely surrender over my will to abide by His and help bring others closer to God. In a sense, I know I am ready. I have strong friendships with people and I know God is watching over them, and that we'll keep in touch in our time away from each other. I'm ready to start my vocation as a minister to the Church; hopefully in youth ministry! God has kept me strong in so many situations, I know I'm ready to take on another one. I just have to keep trusting.
Real world, watch out, for my heart is ready!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Graduation... now what!?!
The ceremony was wonderful. One cool part was before we even got inside the gymnasium, we had lined up for walking, and then all of the faculty and some staff walked through us, then they lined up and we walked through them, and we applauded each other. And simply walking into the gymnasium I was so overtaken with mixed emotions. All those people were here for us! The 2008 graduating class of Saint Mary's! I think I teared up a couple times during the ceremony, but nothing I couldn't blink away!
Afterwards at the reception was a lot of fun, and I didn't cry once there! I thought it was quite an accomplishment. haha. Later on that day though... saying bye to some friends was very difficult. I think our crying even made my mom tear up! The friendships made at college are one of a kind. Fr. Steffes, earlier this week, told me about staying close to those whom God wills for us to have a close relationship with. I wish I could remember more of what he said... but basically to trust in God to keep the friends close who will always be there. Maybe not physically, but, as a I told a friend last night, that is why cell phones were created! Praise God!
So... here I am, a college graduate.... at home. With TONS of stuff! AH! I'm so glad I don't have to be at any job right now, unlike some people! I can take this week to sort through stuff and clean up everything else. It certainly will be a large project, but what else am I supposed to do!?! Summer, here I come!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Texas... for 2 years
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Another Month
There have been moments when I've been pretty stressed out about stuff, but God suffices and He shows me that He is bigger than everything I bring to Him. Last week I had spiritual direction, but I didn't really want to go; I just wasn't "in the mood" or something, it was slightly strange. Turns out it was a very productive and spiritually uplifting meeting! I am very blessed to have Fr. Steffes as my spiritual director and I'm glad the Holy Spirit called me to be very open with him! I felt the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart again during the two hour Divine Mercy Sunday prayer service. Towards the end of it Fr. Steffes and Fr. Melvin stood up front praying over people. I was up in the choir loft because I sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with some friends who played instruments and sang with me. I decided to walk down and I was the very last person and I truly felt God working through my heart while Fr. was praying over me, and I still can feel the effects of it! Praise God! It is amazing when you surrender ALL to Him.
I know this was a short update, but I should finish my letter to Sister Josie and get to bed! I've had some late nights recently.
St. Teresa of Avila, Pray for us!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
flying fast
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Let Him Love You
the failures that you feel,
Let Him love you.
Your fear, your worry,
the confusion that's inside,
Let Him love you.
Your wounds, your scars,
the pain deep inside,
Let Him love you.
Your joy, your hope,
the love that flows through,
Let Him love you.
Your innocence, your gains,
the beauty that abounds,
Let Him love you.
Your heart, your mind,
the self that you find,
Let Him love you.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy secular New Year
So last night... you know, I just don't understand the whole "bar scene." I would much prefer to be at home and have a drink or two, hanging with my really good friends. That or Jeffersons, where you can sit around, enjoying a Blue Moon, and chatting there too. My friend Angie, her boyfriend Jake, and I went to Menomonie to go to the bars there; to see two of their friends from school and later to see Angie's cousin and her friends. We went to LogJam pretty early, about 8ish and we all ordered a drink. There was hardly anyone there! But it was nice b/c the music was very low and we were able to talk without having to lean in or ask for repeats. After that we went to this guy's house, Angie's cousin's friend's place. We had a glass of wine there and chatted with them; it was a fun and interesting time. Just before 11 we headed back downtown and went to a bar, Lakeshore. There was hardly any room in there, they had a VERY inappropriate video played during this one song, and only three of Carrie's friends ordered drinks. We just stood around, moving every once in awhile when people wanted to pass by. We finally left and went back to LogJam, this time it was packed. Carrie knew a ton of people and was off saying Hi to them while Angie, Jake, and I stood around quite awkwardly! We laughed at the awkwardness of the situation though and made the best of it. We were there for the countdown and people all cheered when it hit midnight. We were all like, big deal, whoo hoo. It was so difficult to hear Angie and Jake talking and it was smelly from all the smoke. I just don't see the glamour in standing around yelling at your friends so they can hear you over the music! I probably never will either because I simply do not understand the concept of drinking to get drunk. I guess I'm blessed in that way that I never went through that phase; but on the other hand it's hard to see where these people are coming from in their excessive drinking. Oh well! Anyway, I think I'm going to try to unleash my creative side for a bit, and then get back to the guitar and Harry Potter (as well as Ron and Hermoine).