Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Practice of the Presence of God

I'll admit that my prayer life hasn't been the absolute best these past couple months. I've had some great prayer experiences here and there and I truly appreciate my time in Adoration every Sunday night, but the day to day prayer... well... it's more quick prayers then taking the time to simply sit and be in God's presence. When I met with my spiritual director earlier this week he suggested that I practice simply being in the presence of God, wherever I am. It's difficult to do but I have found myself reminding myself about God's presence here and now. Brother Lawrence wrote a book titled "The Practice of the Presence of God" and you can find it online, for free, here. I don't know if it is the full book, but it's about 20 pages when you print it out. I haven't read it yet but hopefully tonight I'll get to some of it. Sometimes one of the most difficult times to recognize God's presence is when we are supposed to see Christ in others, even if and when they are annoying. How easy it is to forget that Christ dwells in each and every one of us.

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