Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fear, Trust, Love

With the end of my time as an apprentice approaching rapdily there have been many things on my mind, specifically regarding the future... my future. It's scary to look ahead, even to the next 6 months - especially when I do not have a job lined up. Of course, many people in my program do not have jobs lined up just yet, but I only have one in mind, and that is to stay at the parish I am at (and do youth ministry). Sometimes I feel frustrated at the process and other times I feel excited and at peace.

This morning while I was driving to work I heard the song "How He Loves Us" by the David Crowder Band. I've heard the song before and I love it. It reminds me to sometimes just be still and let God's love and mercy move me the way it will. To simply be in God's presence, remembering how much He does love me. Here's a video with lyrics to the song (although they're not 100% accurate, but pretty darn close).

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