Sunday, May 13, 2012

10 Reasons I'm a Youth Minister (in Texas)

Sometimes we all need to remind ourselves of the reasons why we're in the jobs we are, whether it is your first choice job or your last choice. There are positives in everything. Here are ten reasons why I'm a youth minister. There are probably more, but I thought I'd start somewhere. And they are in no particular order!

1. Salary: Despite what some people think, I am paid for my job! I know it's not true across the country, but at least in Texas one can make a living and get all those bills paid.

2. Never go hungry: There always seems to be food around! All too often it's junk food and should be avoided, but it's there. Today, some breakfast leftovers from Friday turned into my lunch. Plus as a youth minister I always have a stash of snacks for youth group.

3. Conference Opportunities: My parish pays for me to attend awesome conferences, like the recent NCCL I attended in San Diego and the upcoming NCCYM in Orlando! The conferences motivate me, fire me up, get me networking with others across the country, and I get to see new sites.

4. It's what I love: I get to do what's most important to me, living out and sharing my faith. 'Nuff said.

5. Flexible schedule: While I do have to work some nights and weekends, I also get the luxury of sleeping in the days I work until 8 or 9pm. And Fridays and Saturdays are my off-days. Sometimes I wish I had a 9-5 job...but I don't think I'd be very happy there.

6. "My kids": I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I love working with high school students (and middle school is growing on me). They constantly remind me why I do what I do, and I love laughing with them. Today (on Mother's day) one of my teens said something about being pretty sure I'm not a mom, and I said the only "kids" I have are those in youth group!

7. Wonderful co-workers: They have my back and I've got theirs. We are the only ones who knows the true ins and outs of our parish life and we're there to vent to one another, but also to support and build up each other. And since I'm the youngest, sometimes they act like motherly figures, which I don't mind too often.

8. Never a dull moment: There's always something to work on, from publicity to planning, calendaring events to meetings, I do it all! It's also very overwhelming at times, but I cannot say I have a boring job. Some weeks it's like I have 10 jobs: Teacher, athletics director, web developer, publicity marketer, human relations, human resources, secretary, the list could go on...

9. Chance to be creative: Whether it's in lessons, talks, or bake sales, I love being creative in what I do and how I present things. I'm always up for trying new things in youth group.

10. I had a great youth minister when I was in high school and she is the reason why I wanted to become one. She nurtured the relationships she had with us, shared her faith, and taught us the important things about being Catholic and praying. That's what I want to do for the youth here and I believe I have a really good start. Thank you, Mary! You were a true inspiration!

High School youth group team 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sun, Sand, and NCCL

This past week I attended NCCL - the National Conference of Catechetical Leaders - hence, the lack of posts. I have so much to think about, it's ridiculous. Especially how we can integrate the "modern world" into our faith lives (let's face it, everybody is already there and 5 steps ahead of the technology that parishes use), but at the same time, give them experiences of Christ.

I was able to get to the beach in San Diego one afternoon - wow, was it ever peaceful! It was nice to relax, but now I'm getting super stressed again. I think after this Sunday I'll be able to calm down and reflect on the conference more. This Sunday I'm selling roses after all the Masses as a fundraiser, but I haven't gotten many takers from teens to help out yet...oy.

I'll post more later, just wanted to give an update!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Terrific Tuesday!

Today was an awesome day!

First of all, I finished the Hunger Games trilogy at 3:45am. I wasn't the biggest fan of how it ended, but it's alright. The books were fabulous and I feel as if I didn't do them justice since I whipped through them so fast because I always wanted to find out what happened next!

Bible study was fun; we didn't read the bible today, I let them talk about their weekend. Sometimes 8th grade girls just need to talk and an adult who listens. :)

There was a Groupon for Rangers tickets today, so I've got another game scheduled to go to! I bought tickets for 5 other friends and myself. I'm super pumped for May 15th!

And then at the grocery store, the cashier pegged me for a senior in college, until he saw my drivers license I had to pull out for the $5 wine I bought. That always makes a girl feel good!

Tonight is the first time in awhile that I have all to myself and I'm excited for the night in! I'm pumped to make dinner (my own version of chicken cacciatore) and to go on my run. Probably run first, and then dinner. Currently I'm contemplating the idea of taking a quick nap first, I was falling asleep at my laptop earlier! Three hours of sleep isn't very much to run your day on...oh well!

It's been a great day with a relaxing evening in sight. Just thought I'd share! :)