Thursday, January 29, 2009

Retreat Reflections

Last weekend I went on our Echo Winter Retreat up in Indiana. It was amazing to spend time with our communtiy at large and to laugh and share stories with one another as we did in the summer. The theme was "The Beloved Waiting in the Heart of Darkness." Deep, huh? In all seriousness, I loved it. While at Adoration I wrote a small reflection, which I'll share now. The second is a small poem also written on the weekend, and the third is a reflection I wrote during our end-of-summer retreat.

"In Mary's Mantle"

I cling tightly to her cloak, covering my eyes in fear of the unknown. I wish to hide myself behind her, cowering from the world. She seeks out my hand in gentle compassion, but I put it in my pocket. "My child," she softly whispers, "come out to the world. I will protect you in the midst of trial and terror. Let me hold you in my arms and wrap you in my mantle. I only ask you to come out from hiding so you can live life fully and experience love as God intends for you." I took her hand and she uncovered my eyes as my heart filled with joy and a tear fell from my cheek.


Darkness, a true offering,
though not one of despair.
A hope for love, a hope for peace.
The flood of tears that filled the night
brought comfort to the solitude.
A longing to love and to be loved,
only fulfilled in the One
whose name is Love.
A soul faced with its deepest desires.

Reflection from Isaiah

I am a daughter of God, one of His beloved, and He has given me a name. He calls to me to chase His will and follow His heart. I can't do much except obey. And where else is the safest place but in the arms of my Father? In them I am also wrapped in Mary's mantle, with her loving gaze looking upon me. And in Adoration I can gaze lovingly upon the Lord - but it is such a mystery!