Monday, March 23, 2009

Leaky Eyes

I don't know what it is about the movie Raise Your Voice but it never ceases to be able to make me cry. The story revolves around Terri's brother dying in a car accident. He had just graduated from high school while she is a couple years younger than him. It's extremely sad to see her (and their parents) struggle and learn to cope with Paul's death. It's also a story about self-discovery. The last time I watched it I came home from college - I'm not sure if it was for the summer or on a break - but that night I balled my eyes out! I guess I needed a good crying. At this point in time I think the brother/sister relationship gets to me. In a couple months my brother will be deporting for Iraq. I'm sure he'll be fine, but he'll also be gone for 9 months (or something like that). Christmas is going to be quite strange without him there. Things get difficult enough splitting holidays now that my parents have been divorced. It's approaching five years now, but time doesn't solve all problems.

Things continually change in life but we have to keep on living. The most difficult part can be just that, figuring out how to live with the changes. It took awhile to transition to living here in Fort Worth and sometimes I feel as if I'm still in that transition.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Simple Quote

Here I am, in my office on a Sunday afternoon, waiting to go to the 12:30 Mass. Between RCIA and Mass I decided to pick up a book I had briefly began a month or two ago called "The Sun and Moon Over Assisi." It is the story of one man's conversion sparked by the Franciscan way of life and he then writes on the lives of both St. Francis and Clare. In the book he quotes another man who wrote one of the many biographies on St. Francis.

Paul Sabatier, in his introduction to his Life of St. Francis of Assisi, writes: "One must not ask too much of history. The more beautiful a sunrise is, the more difficult it is to describe it."

I found that last sentence to be rather profound and full of truth. It's also touching to me because two weeks ago I saw two of the most beautiful sunsets I have seen in awhile, they were simply breathtaking and I did not want to turn my gaze away. Unfortunately, one of the evenings I was driving, so I had to pay attention to the road! But in those moments I reflected on the beauty of God and how he wants to romance us in such little ways.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March Storm

The clouds roll in
kissing the wings of birds in flight.
Branches swaying at its whisper,
the shadow from sun a delight.

Rain dances down
soaking into the worn grass.
Puddles forming at its touch,
the mirror image broken like glass.

Thunder storms in
breaking the silence of night.
Dreams cowering under covers,
the wait is long for the light.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Linking Posts

It turns out that I never finished my thoughts on gratitude... I think things got quite busy that day. Today I spent the most time and energy on a blog post in awhile and it has the length to prove it! I thought I'd link to it from this blog. So here it is: